

All posts by ABC Pathways

“ABC Summer Camp” Terms & Conditions

Seats are offered on a first-come-first-served basis. ABC Pathways International Kindergarten will follow EDB instructions in case of typhoon signal 3, red rainstorm or epidemic outbreak or flu...
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Summer Camp 2024

  ABC Pathways International Kindergarten幼稚園暑期課程 ABC奇蹟學習冒險旅程 中文|英文|數學|普通話|藝術  5星期全方位提升    ...
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[ABC Open Day] Embark on a Fun Learning Journey with Us

  ABC Pathways International Kindergarten is once again organizing a Fun Learning Experience Day in March, allowing students and parents to personally experience the effective learning culture...
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ABC Pathways International Kindergarten 實體講座:你的孩子「輸」得起嗎?   黄林趣玲校監親自講解👩🏻‍🏫...
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Exploring World Cultures 世界文化探索日

[ABC Open Day] Exploring World Cultures     🔥 Limited to 150 families, first come, first served!   💫 Exploring and learning about unique cultures around the world in 150 minutes...
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2022-23 ABC Pathways International Kindergarten Graduation Ceremony

2023年7月14日,ABC Pathways International Kindergarten 第7屆畢業典禮順利進行。   今年畢業典禮非常榮幸邀請到 吳克儉先生, GBS, JP, 前香港教育局局長 及...
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